Winter Showcase

Welcome to Alberta Ballet School’s Winter Showcase. The performance features the Professional Division Grades 7 to Post-Graduate and the Alberta Ballet Trainees. Students in the Professional Division come from all over the world to train here. Enjoy their bright young talent in the first performance of the 2022/23 school year.

Performance Schedule

Welcome Speech, Ashley McNeil, Director of Alberta Ballet School

  • Class | JNAM Featuring Grades 7, 8, 9
    Choreography by Ashley McNeil

  • Class | SNES Featuring Grades 11, 12

    Choreography by Edmund Stripe

  • Class | SNNH Featuring Grades 10, 11, 12

    Set by Shino Mori

  • Class | JNTK Featuring Grades 7, 8, 9

    Choreography by Taryn Klassen

  • Class | Senior School Students

    Choreography by Katharina Schier

Short Intermission (5 minutes)

  • Class | Post Graduates and Senior School Students
    Choreography by Graham McKelvie

  • Class | JNAM Featuring Grades 7, 8, 9

    Set by Aram Manukyan

  • Performed by Robyn Neumann

    Choreography by Robyn Neumann

  • Class | SNJT Featuring Grades 10, 11, 12

    Choreography by Jennifer Fournier

  • Class | Post Graduates

    Choreography by Edmund Stripe

  • Class | SNAMN Featuring Grades 11, 12

    Set by Aram Manukyan

  • Featuring Alberta Ballet School Professional Division Students

The Magic of Dance

Know a child inspired by the magic of dance? Alberta Ballet School’s classes and programs are a perfect way for kids to explore movement and musicality while building confidence in a safe, and positive studio environment.

 Give the Gift of Dance | New classes start in January

Your Gift is Needed

Did you know that Alberta Ballet relies on multiple income streams to bring these incredible performances to the stage?

Donations are at the very heart of our funding. As a registered charity, Alberta Ballet relies on donations to bridge the shortfall to perform in the Jubilee, create new works and attract the best talent. As stewards of a rarified art form, we face a delicate balance, and ticket prices only get us part of the way there. Donations make it possible for us to deliver the art you love. ​

Conceived during the pandemic, Alberta Ballet created an Endowment Fund to provide more financial stability in the years to come. When our goal of $15 million is reached, the Endowment Fund will start providing consistent, predictable disbursements that will help us bring seasons like this one to life. It will also help Alberta Ballet be a haven for Albertans to connect with each other and themselves whether they are deeply moved in our audience, taking their first step into a community dance class, or pursuing their craft through professional dance training.  

Dance has the power to unite communities and transform lives through inspiration. Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation today.  

To make a donation to the Forever Moved campaign or to learn more about the Endowment Fund, please visit Endowment Fund | Alberta Ballet.

  • Barbara A. Palmer

    Alfred Sorensen

    Clarice Evans Siebens


    Jana Neal

    Ellen & Daryl Fridhandler

    Ellie & Carter Siebens

    John W. Masters & Carol J. Larsen

    Walt & Irene DeBoni

    Bob Willows

    Gerard D. McInnis & Angelina Castro-Miquel

    Papadopoulos & LaBonte Families

    Heather Rae

    Sarah Palmer & Tom Plunkett

    Aggie Mikulski, TIPP Consulting

    Dr. Paul and Carole Savage

    Douglas Myhre

    John Seto & Christel Mueller

    Melissa Bell & Matthew Fenwick

    Patricia Moore

    Frank Molnar

    Elan MacDonald

    David and Violet Todd

    Pam FitzGerald & Robert Arts

    Colin Jackson & Arlene Strom

    Dr Adrian Jones

    Ruth A. Cross

    Philip & Harriett Libin Family Foundation

    Rod and Betty Wade

    Maddy Lang

    Castilleja Cotton

    Diana & Lawrence Andriashek

    Chris George

    Dr. David Severson

    Gina Pylatuik

    Jill Strickland

    Renate Palmer

    Calvin Chow

    Hope Smith

    Norma A. Gibson

    Penelope Weir

    Andal Family Fund at Calgary Foundation


Thank you to our donors!

Over these many uncertain months, we’ve been grateful to our donor community for all the ways they’ve supported our mission to share dance and ballet.

As we return to the Jubilee with a full season, we’re looking forward to reconnecting this community to the art form they find so deeply inspirational.

If you are a passionate Alberta Ballet subscriber, consider joining our donor community. With this group of like-minded ballet fans, you’ll have access to programs and benefits that uniquely connect you to our artistic work.

To find out more, email us at

  • Marie and Robert Baird

    Andrea Brussa

    Walter and Irene DeBoni

    Heather Edwards

    Annie Freeze

    Jana Neal

    Barbara Palmer

    John Seto & Christel Mueller

    Clarice Siebens

    Alfred Sorensen

    Rod & Betty Wade


    George & Colleen Bezaire

    Ian and Heather Bourne

    Dr. Anthony and Jennifer Cook

    Lynn & Vern Hult

    John & Sheilagh Langille

    Andrew & Alison Love

    Dr. Doug Myhre

    Betty Schultz


    Kerri and Sean Barr

    Kelly Bourassa

    Judy Cosco

    Christopher and Ingrid Eggertson

    John Feldberg

    Focus Communications

    Janice Heard & Bruce McFarlane

    John Thompson and Joni Hughes

    Colin Jackson & Arlene Strom

    J'Adore Dance

    Jo Ann Jones

    Elan MacDonald

    Roderick & Jean McKay

    Maggie & John Mitchell

    Jennifer & Torval Mork

    Diana Mulherin

    Brenda Nugent

    Jack & Esther Ondrack

    Raechelle & Lorne Paperny

    Peabody Family Foundation

    Christine Richard

    Robert & Jean Ann Rooney

    Barry & Maureen Schloss

    Michael & Natasha Simaeys

    Hope Smith

    Martin & Theresa Trotter

    Sharon Watkins and Alan Kane

    Dr. Hillary and Jussi Alto

    Judith Anderson

    R.R. Andrews

    Tom Aves and Christie Hughes

    Angelina Bakshi

    Valerie & Tony Barlott

    Laurie Bayda

    Joan Bedard

    Katherine Bilson

    Josh Bilyk

    Corinne Bleakley & Lindsay Williams

    Julia Boberg

    John C. Bonnycastle

    Dr. Ann Calvert

    Kimberley & Kevin Carlson

    Laura Cillis & Leonard Arcovio

    Elaine M. Coachman

    Linda Cochrane

    Monique Courcelles

    Lisa Cuthill

    Linda De Bathe

    C J de Jong

    Leslie Dort

    Duke Evans Inc.

    Kristine Eidsvik and Tom Couture

    Jim Gibson

    Sandra Evans and Bill Gordon

    Ann Falk

    Fath Group/O'Hanlon Paving

    Amanda Field

    Pamela FitzGerald & Robert Arts

    Daryl and Ellen Fridhandler

    Leigh Garvie/Coronation Physiotherapy

    Leslie and Gerald Giacomelli

    Leona Gibb

    Joanne Graham and Ian Laxdal

    Dianne Grant

    Dr. Andrew Greenshaw

    Darin Grisdale

    Matias Grum and Amy Martin

    David Haigh and Dawn Riley

    Colleen Hartley

    Elayna Hernandez-Kucey

    Jose-Carlos Herrero & Nicole Herrero-Langlais

    Todd Hirsch

    Stephanie Ho Lem

    Gary Holland and Kim Kroetsch

    Melanie Houley

    Victoria Johnston & Gregory McLeod

    Craig & Valerie Johnstone

    Dr. Adrian Jones

    Eileen Jones

    Marianne Kasper

    Heather Klimchuk

    Nicole Lachance & Roberto Noce

    Danielle Lajoie

    Bob & Mary Lamond

    Davin & Alexis Macintosh

    Scott MacKinnon and Lianna Stillwell

    Valerie MacLeod

    Roger Mapp

    The Mar Family

    The Martin Family

    Carol Larsen and John Masters

    Tara Mathison

    Erica McBeth & Darwin Smith

    M. Ann McCaig

    Roxanne McCaig

    Jane McCaig and Richard Waller

    Gerard McInnis

    Annie and Greg McKitrick

    Kathy J. McMillan

    Gwen an Keith McMullen

    Dr. John McRory and Cathy Ascroft

    Aggie Mikulski

    Annette Milbradt

    Arliss Miller

    Linda L. Miller

    Frank Molnar & Anna Maria Marrocco

    Alan and Geri  Moon

    Kathy R. Morgan

    Julie Moylan

    James & Allison Murphy

    Dr. Richard and Aurora Musto

    Heather and Ruben Nelson

    Jack and Donna Newton

    Leslie Ann O'Leary

    Keith & Cindy O'Neill

    Gail O'Reilly

    Sarah Palmer and Tom Plunket

    Renate Palmer

    Noel Papadopoulos

    Leslie Pidcock

    Lisa Poole

    Veronica Prokop & Peter Andrekson

    Gina and Trevor Pylatuik

    Trina Quickfall

    Heather Rae

    Garry and Ruth Ramsden-Wood

    Christine Richard

    Sarah Riedner

    Darcia Rolland

    Mona & Scott Rose

    City Lumber - Robert Rosen

    Patricia Seamans

    Hon. Marina Paperny and Dr. Shep Secter

    Ellie Siebens

    Marco Simonelli

    Shelley and Betty Ann Smith

    Gordon Sombrowski & Kevin Allen

    Kevin Stecyk

    Jill Strueby

    Lucie Thirnbeck

    Lee Anne Tibbles

    David & Violet Todd

    Eric and Dedre Toker

    Liz Anne Tonken

    Anne Marie and Christopher Toutant

    Yolanda Van Wachem and Hugh McPhail

    Dr. Ingrid Vicas

    Penelope Weir

    Mitch & Susanne Williams

    Crystal and Blair Willie

    Bob Willows

    Ian Young & Catherine Barrett

    Diana Andriashek

    Lana Bistritz

    Grace Bokenfohr

    E Ross Bradley

    Christine Hayward

    Wendy D. Lunn-Strickland

    Valerie Obligacion

    Osten-Victor Fund

    Enzo Pasquini

    Scott A. Polischuk

    Pratch Family Foundation

    Ralph & Gay Young Family Capital Fund

    Ann Rooney

    Carole Savage

    Richard and Mary Shaw

    Kathryn Ward

  • Anonymous

    Alberta Ballet Foundation


    Calgary Foundation

    Edmonton Community Foundation

    GiftFunds Canada

    Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by Altalink

A whole community is working behind-the-scenes,
helping us inspire you with dance!



    Daryl S. Fridhandler, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP (Calgary)

    Joshawa N. Bilyk, TLA Developments Ltd. (Edmonton)

    Jana Neal, SFG Investments (Calgary)

    Frank Molnar, Field Law (Calgary)

    Jana Neal, SFG Investments (Calgary)

    Elan MacDonald, University of Alberta (Edmonton)

    Ellie Siebens, EPL Consulting Ltd. (Calgary) & Noel Papadopoulos, Papas Group (Edmonton)

  • Linda Cochrane (Edmonton)

    Todd Hirsch, The Modern Economist (Calgary)

    Heather Klimchuk, Advocacy, Connections & Communications Consulting (Edmonton)

    Gerard McInnis, Ozone Advisory Group (Calgary)

    Agnieszka (Aggie) Mikulski, TIPP Consulting (Edmonton)

    Sarah Palmer, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Calgary)

    Heather Rae, HRJ Consulting (Calgary)

    Bob Willows, Willows Construction (2001) Ltd. (Winfield)

    Alfred Sorensen

    Peter A. Johnson

    Daryl Fridhandler

    Heather Rae

    Chandra Henry

Image by Paul McGrath featuring Alberta Ballet Apprentice and Graduate of Alberta Ballet School Alyssa Churchill